We are not here to be, we are here to become.
We zijn hier om te worden wat we kunnen zijn.
Vanuit het bovenstaande richt het Centre for Personal Growth zich op het ontdekken en ontwikkelen van je persoonlijke mogelijkheden.
From the above, the Centre for Personal Growth focuses on discovering and developing your personal potential.
Achtergrond / background
In wezen is dit initiatief tot stand gekomen op grond van een mix van overtuigingen, professionele- en levenservaring, onze achtergronden en persoonlijke verhalen.
In essence, this initiative came about through a mixture of personal beliefs, professional and life experience, our backgrounds and personal stories.
komende Activiteiten / upcoming activities
bij wat me beweegt
de kunst om mezelf te zijn
een onderzoek naar nieuw perspectieven

Being still with what moves ME
the art of being with myself
examining new perspectives

Voor wie?
Deze workshop richt zich op het verkennen van nieuwe mogelijkheden.
Om nieuw territorium te ontdekken moeten we bekend terrein verlaten. Beweging en creatieve werkvormen laten je onbekende deuren openen en nieuwe bronnen aanboren.
Ben je bereid om het ongewone te doen? Sta je open om te verkennen en te ontdekken? Dan ben je van harte welkom. Je hebt geen specifieke vaardigheden of ervaring nodig, alleen een open hart en mind.
Breng comfortabele kleding mee.
For whom?
This workshop focuses on exploring new possibilities.
To discover new territory, we must leave familiar ground. Movement and creative methods allow you to open unknown doors and tap into new sources.
Are you willing to do the unusual? Are you open to exploring and discovering? Then you are most welcome. You don’t need any specific skills or experience, just an open heart and mind.
Please bring comfortable clothes.
€ 275 (€ 250 for early birds before June 10th. Your payment confirms your registration.) including coffee, tea, lunch and a meal on Saturday.
For a limited number of participants. Subscribe, to secure your place.
Saturday, June 25 9:30 – 21:00
Sunday, June 26 10:00 – 18:00
Studio AnnaMora, Nieuwe Looiersstraat 21A, 1017 TE Amsterdam
Wie wij zijn / who we are

Hi, I am Anna Mora
My official and complete name is Ana Elvira Mora Carrillo de Albornoz.
This is a bit too long to European standards, so I adopted my new name with lots of pleasure. Since 2005 it is also the official name of my company in Amsterdam 🙂
Born in Mexico City, I discovered my passion for movement and dance at the age of six. With ten years old I was accepted to “Escuela Nacional para la Enseñanza Professional de la Danza” (I.N.B.A. in Mexico City).
Thanks to my excellent teachers like, Francisco Martinez, Elsa Recagno, Claudia Trueba, Phillip Beamish, Farahilda Sevilla and others, I made it into the Compañia Nacional de Danza de Mexico (the Mexican National Ballet).
It was there, where shortly after I met a young German choreographer, Raphael Kästel, who supported and inspired me to travel to Europe. Here, I had the opportunity to join several companies, like Tanztheater Karlsruhe in Germany; Torino Ballet in Italy; Ballet van het Zuiden in Amsterdam; Tanz Pur in Frankfurt, Germany and in 1994 and 1995 Het Nationale Ballet in Amsterdam.
In between my contracts, I followed courses and seminars all over Europe. Focusses were: Russian Technique, Danish Bournonville, Floor Barre, Contemporary Dance, Contact Improvisation, Body-Mind Centring, Exploration, etc.
Between 1997 en 1998 I attended the Rotterdamse Dance Academy (Modern Dance and Choreography), and between 1998 en 1999 the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (School for New Dance Development).
Dancing professionally at this level is a top sport. My body had to pay for it, and my left foot, which had caused trouble for a couple of years, needed to be operated.
The rehabilitation process brought me back to exercises and practices that I had done before, including the Pilates and Gyrotonic Expansion Methods.
These methods helped my recovery and they were the beginning of my second career!
In 1999 I started to give classes in Ballet and Pilates in Amsterdam, including at the Henny Jurriens Stichting, Amsterdam Dance Centre, Vooropleiding National Ballet Academy and The School of New Dance Development.
In 2005 I opened Studio AnnaMora in Amsterdam. Together with a fantastic team of professionals, we support the well-being of our clients by integrating different methods focusing on a healthy mind, body and soul.
In 2021 I became one of the founding members of PPN, Pilates Professionals of the Netherlands, https://www.pilatesprofessionalsnetherlands.nl/home
You can find more about my work and studio at https://www.studioannamora.com
I hope to see you soon,
Hi, my name is Henning Zorn
My life has taken me to many different places. As an international trainer and consultant, I have come into contact with many different cultures by working on almost all continents.
The constant in my work was and is my orientation towards personal development.
Born and raised in Mönchengladbach, Germany, I moved to Groningen, The Netherlands, in 1976 for my studies.
Since 1988 I have lived in Amsterdam, and since 2001 we have been living as a family for about 3 to 4 months a year in Oaxaca, Mexico. This stems from our family composition. Anna, my wife, shares her background in her section.
I experience my work and private life as very enriching. My 35 years as an international management and communication consultant have taught me a lot about my values and broadened my view on others and the world.
Trained as a drama teacher and actor, with a master’s in corporate anthropology, an accreditation as a coach and a certificate in logotherapy, I combine my different backgrounds in the Centre for Personal Growth.
Wanting to understand what drives ‘us’ remains fascinating to me. In that sense, I learn from and with my clients, which enriches me again and again. By understanding more about myself, I can once again put myself in the shoes of others.
In my work, I look for professional involvement rather than professional distance.
I am a member of the following professional associations:
DGLE, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Logotherapie, https://www.dgle.org/
NOBCO, Dutch Organization for Professional Coaches, http://www.nobco.nl/
SIETAR, Society for Intercultural, Education & Research, https://www.sietar.nl/en/
You can find more about my work and Logotherapy & Existential Analysis at https://poweredbymeaning.eu/
Looking forward to meeting you in person,